Hi all, I work for a drilling company and am trying to calculate the load we are subjecting stillsens to? Hope someone understands my Question.
Drill rig with engine running at 3000rpm will give me 3000psi hydraulic pressure to rotating head motor. When we are pulling out of a hole, and removing each section of drill tube/rod my drillers are clamping the rod with 48" stillsens and then using hydraulics in reverse rotation to break-out (disconnect) each section of tube. I think i am aware there are many variables in regards to combined length of rods down hole, engine horsepower etc or i am barking up the wrong tree more likely... Is there a particular formula to calculate the kg force being applied to stillsens or someway to work this out??? Needless to say there are safer methods and we have hydraulic foot clamps and jaws in place on all sites for this task. However i am an expat working in Indonesia and it is very hard to get some people to change or police on-site procedures and constantly having replacement stillsens ordered. I mean no disrespect to locals and can afford replacement tooling, i just want them to understand what sort of force they are using before someone gets hurt or worst.
Thanks in advance for any info on this subject from brighter sparks than me, im sure you are many. lol :D