Lanny wrote:I have an irregular lot size and I'm trying to figure out Square ft or acreage. front is 37.76 Ft, North side 165.18 Ft south side 155 Ft, the back is 120.72 Ft. On the plot map there is a triangle in the front north corner of the lot. it reads 16 deg 05' 18", L=36.50. any idea how to figure it??
Lanny wrote:I have an irregular lot size and I'm trying to figure out Square ft or acreage. front is 37.76 Ft, North side 165.18 Ft south side 155 Ft, the back is 120.72 Ft. On the plot map there is a triangle in the front north corner of the lot. it reads 16 deg 05' 18", L=36.50. any idea how to figure it??