by Jens » Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:52 am
The question you ask does not have as simple an answer as you may wish. The problem is they are dependent upon a conversion ratio of your apparatus. For example, in most rear wheel cars the power output to the wheels is not a 1:1 ratio with that of the transmission output. The power is converted at the rear end (however slightly) depending on the gear ratios therein. In your situation you would have to calibrate your apparatus or calculate the conversion yourself. This could be done by either testing materials of known value, then calculating the factor or if you can get a measurement device (fairly accurate scale) and then measure the torque you have to apply to get the 100kg of downward force. A bathroom scale is NOT even remotely accurate so do not use it to get the measurements. You may have to rent a scientific scale of find a calibration laboratory that would do the conversion for you. Note that any change in temperature and/or lubrication could seriously affect the accuracy of your device.