nancymholley wrote:I need to convert military time to regular time for time cards pls help.
Hi Nancy:
The hours change in military time to a 24 format but minutes stay the same. Time starts at midnight (0:00 hours) and ends at 23:59 hours (11:59 pm). From noon on, you simply continue the hours in chronological order until midnight. Midnight is always 00 hours. Note with military time, use of a colon is not mandatory. A few examples from standard time to military time:
7:00 am = 0700 hours
10:47 am = 10:47 hours
1:00 pm = 13:00 hours
10:14 pm = 2214 hours
With time cards, you may be dealing with an "hour:decimal minutes" format. If you have minutes > 60, you are probably dealing with decimal minutes. Here, hours can be written as military or standard time, but minutes are converted to decimal minutes of 1 hour. It's usually expressed as hours.decimal minutes (with am/pm if required). Minutes divided by 60 = decimal minutes. Examples from standard time to hour.decimal minutes format:
7:00 am = 7:00 am
7:16 am = 7.267 am
2:47 pm = 2.783 pm
2:47 pm = 14.783 hours (military)
These can all be set up in a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) to do the conversions for you.
If you aren't totally confused by now . . . :-) If you need more help, just ask.