Madison wrote:1 liter=2.2 pounds(1kilo)
Glad I could help.
lol :lol: :P
This post is not meant as a critique, simply as a correction and explanation.
If the substance is fresh water, or any other substance which equals the specific gravity of water (SG=1.0), then "1 liter=2.2 pounds(1kilo)" is correct.
However, it
won't be correct if the substance is lighter or heavier than water. As an example, the substance Mercury has a specific gravity of 13.59 g/cm^3, so 1 L (liter) of mercury weighs 13.59 kg. That's 29.96 lbs.
1 L will only weigh 2.2046 lbs if the specific gravity is 1.0, such as pure water at 4º C. A volume to mass statement should include the specific gravity, density or substance as a reference.