It is currently Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:22 am
Our forum has been available for many years. People used to come here to ask various questions about conversion of units and get their answers. We had wonderful volunteers who came here regularly and helped us answering questions and moderating the forum.
Everything is changing over time. Social networks once became much more convenient for questions and answers. Our forum started to attract less legitimate posts and much more spam from automatic bots. When it came to less than one valid posting per a hundred of spam messages, we decided to close the forum.
Since 2014 the forum is closed for new posts, but we keep it open as an archive. We understand there is a lot of useful information and we aren't going to remove anything. As for the new questions, please feel free to ask then on Facebook page
If you are new here, please check our online converters. The full list is available on the main page of the site. We support conversion for an extensive list of units and we keep adding new ones regularly.